About Boats

Boats (Shells)
In Crew, boats are also called shells. Shells can be classified in different ways. The first method of classification is the type of rowing event. There are two types of events: sculling and sweeping. 

The second way to classify shells is based on the number of rowers in the boat. When classifying boats in this manner, you do not count the coxswain. Shells can have one rower, two rowers, four rowers, or 8 rowers.

In sculling events each rower has two oars. The boat is called a scull. On a regatta heat sheet, sculling events are marked with an “x.”

For example:

  • single scull (one rower) is a 1x

  • double scull (2 rowers) is a 2x

  • quad (4 rowers) is a 4x

In sweeping events, each rower has one oar. The boat is called a sweep boat. The sweep boats are pairs (2 rowers); fours (4 rowers); and eights (eight rowers). On a regatta heat sheet, sweep boats with coxswains are marked with a “+” and sweep boats without coxswains are marked with a “-.”

For example:

  • 4+ is a four (4 rowers) with a coxswain.

  • 4- is a four (4 rowers) without a coxswain. 

Refers to a shell without a coxswain; for example, a straight four or straight pair.

Being in a Boat

Shell (or boat)

The rowing shell fits 1-8 rowers, sometimes plus a coxswain. Shells are long and narrow to decrease drag, which makes them difficult to keep steady. Modern shells are made almost entirely of carbon fiber to keep them stiff and light.

The bow is the forward part of the boat (the first part of the boat that crosses the finish line). Coxswains always face the bow.

The rear of the boat. Rowers always face the stern.

Bow Seat
The person in the seat closest to the bow (the person that crosses the finish line first). Bow Seat is also known as #1.

Coxswain (‘kaak·sn’)
The Coxswain’s responsibilities include steering, strategy, and motivating the rowers. Traditionally, coxswains are thrown in the water after a winning race. Coxswain is the noun while “to Cox” is the verb.

The rower who sits closest to the stern. The stroke sets the rhythm for the boat; the other rowers must follow the stroke’s cadence.

Any rower who is rowing for the first year (regardless of year in school; for example, a junior in high school can be a novice).

Left side of the boat as seen while facing forward.

Right side of the boat as seen while facing forward.

Stuff in a Boat

Cox box
The PA system used by Coxswain in the boat, which also provides information such as time and stroke rate.

Rowers use oars (as opposed to paddles). The colors on the oar are usually unique to the rowing club. Shaker Heights’ blade colors are red and black with a white stripe. 

Boats may be adjusted in many different ways according to the physiques of the athletes in a particular boat, the type of racing, and anticipated rowing conditions.

As a verb, “rigging/derigging” means attaching/detaching accessories in a boat, such as the riggers, foot stretchers, tracks, sliding seats, etc. 

Sometimes the term rigging refers to the accessories themselves; for example, “check the rigging.” 

The metal or carbon fiber device that is bolted onto the side or top of the boat and holds the oar. The team can adjust the riggers to accommodate the rowers’ needs. 

The set of runners for the wheels of each seat in the boat. A rower is “rushing the slide” when they move the seat too rapidly during recovery and “shooting the slide” when they are failing to keep the seat directly under themselves (increasing the body angle). 

Where the rower’s feet go. The footstretcher consists of two inclined footrests that hold the rower’s shoes. The rower’s shoes are bolted into the footrests. The foot stretcher and shoes are affixed to the boat and are not taken out every time a rower gets in and out. The foot stretcher can be adjusted to accommodate the different heights of rowers that may sit in that seat.

The Action of Rowing

The catch is the point in the stroke at which the blade enters the water. The opposite of the catch is the ‘release’, when the blade comes out of the water.

A crab is caused by turning the oar blade in the water so that the release from the water can’t take place.

While the catch and release are the turning points in and out of the water, the drive and the recovery are two main parts of the stroke. After the oar catches the water, the rower pulls the oar through the water for the ‘drive’ part of the stroke. 

During the drive, the rower also pushes with the legs, making the seat slide towards the bow. After the oar is released from the water, the ‘recovery’ part of the stroke returns the oar for the drive position and the rower’s seat is returned to the stern end of the slide. The whole stroke is catch, drive, release, recovery.

Action of turning the oar blade parallel to the surface of the water during recovery (or the half of the full rowing stroke cycle where the rower has the oar out of the water). Feathering cuts down the wind resistance of the blade and aids in releasing the oar from the water smoothly.

The finish is the last part of the stroke cycle before the oar is released from the water. 

In the stroke cycle, the recovery is the slide back to the initial part of the stroke, to recover the position for the catch into the water (the reverse action of the drive). The ‘recovery’ part of the stroke returns the oar to the drive position and returns the rower’s seat to the stern end of the slide. The whole stroke is catch, drive, release, recovery.

Rowing Machines (ERGS)

Commonly known as an “erg”, it’s a rowing machine that closely approximates the actual rowing motion. Erg scores from 2K tests (or other distances) are used by coaches to assess a rower’s aerobic and endurance capabilities.

Erg Piece
The set distance done on the erg for determining an erg score. Usually measured in increments of 500 meters, typical erg pieces are 2K (2000 meters), 5K, 6K and 10K.

Erg Test
During an erg test, a rower will row a set distance (or erg piece) and try to clock the fastest time possible. The resulting erg score is an objective measure of fitness. Generally, a 2k test will take anywhere from 6 to 8 minutes for boys and 7 to 9 minutes for girls. 

Erg scores are one piece of information coaches use when assembling their lineups. However technique and team coordination have a huge impact on the performance of a boat on the water. Coaches temper the erg score with these factors when assembling a lineup.

The standard measurement of speed on an erg or the amount of time in minutes and seconds required to travel 500 meters at the current pace. So a split of 2:00 is a speed of 2 minutes per 500 meters or 4.17 meters per second. 

About Races (Regattas)

The spandex unisuit worn by most rowers when competing and often for practice. The school provides one racing uniform for each athlete for their career; others can be purchased for racing or to practice in.

Head Race
A timed race where the boats have a staggered start.

Heat Sheet
A list stating the order of events at a regatta, the start time for each event, and each team in the event. For large regattas, there can be multiple heats of one event. 

MSRA stands for Mid-West Scholastic Rowing Association. The MSRA hosts a championship event at the end of the Spring season for high school crew teams. That event is commonly referred to as MSRAs. Shaker Crew’s performance at the MSRAs determines whether we will compete at Nationals.

Racing start
First strokes of the race, usually shorter and quicker than those used during the body of the race.

Rate or Stroke Rate
Number of strokes per minute being rowed by the crew. Stroke rate varies by boat.

In crew, competitions are called regattas (the equivalent of a track meet for crew). In the Fall Season, high school regattas are head races. Typically they are 4-5,000 meters (5K). In the Spring Season, high school races are 1,500 or 2000 meters.

Regatta Central (regattacentral.com) is usually a good source of information for when and where regattas take place. For many regattas, Here Now (herenow.com) publishes live results.

SRAA (Scholastic Rowing Association of America)
The SRAA runs Nationals, which determine the North American high school crew champions for each rowing event. Nationals are at the end of Spring Season. Teams qualify for Nationals based on their performance at specific qualifying regattas. Shaker’s performance at the MSRAs, one of the SRAA’s qualifying regattas, determines whether they will go to Nationals.

Even More Info (expert level!)

Basic Coxswain Calls

Rowing Terminology and Lingo Defined